Best Practice with Teaching Assistants Award update

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Dear Parents and Carers

Update on BPTAA following the Interim Assessment 

As previously shared with you, we are working hard to achieve the Best Practice with Teaching Assistants Award and making steady progress in achieving the objectives. I am really grateful for your support in working towards this amazing award to showcase and celebrate the great work that out Teaching Assistants do every day.

Following the Interim Assessment on 11/09/24, we have made amongst areas, progress in the following:

Most objectives were achieved or partly achieved and the Final Assessment will be on 2ndApril 2025.

Following the Interim Assessment, we have now completed two rounds of Performance Management meeting with the LSAs. The initial meeting as well as a review of the targets in October 24. The next Review meetings will be on the 24th and 25th of March.

We have also completed 6 fortnightly LSA Induction sessions for new long term LSA staff and received great feedback as well as well as very useful ideas for future Induction sessions.

Following the Interim Assessment, the LSAs were also involved in a number of CPD training sessions including for example: Phonics, Safeguarding, Behaviour, Chat- & Core boards, Sensory training etc. Staff are also encouraged to complete SmartLog training.

Staff completed a wellbeing survey and also completed a skills survey to ascertain any specific skills the TA staff have and can share to benefit the pupils. We are actively looking to find ways for the TAs to use their skills and interests to benefit the pupils.

We are always open for ideas and suggestions to strengthen the support and impact of the TAs as a crucial part of the School.


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Thank you

Leon Rossouw