Welcome to Orange Class
Dear parents and carers,
Adults in Orange class are: Camelia (class teacher), Mary, Jodie and Aron (Teaching Assistants).
In Orange Class the pupils are in Year 1. All students are new to the school and they are settling in well. They are becoming aware of routines and respond well to familiar adults. They are beginning to develop relationships with their peers. We learn through lots of sensory play and structured curriculum based activities that students enjoy. We will be adding pictures and videos on Evidence for Learning and parents and carers are invited to log in and see what we do in school.
This autumn the topic is ‘Famous five’. In literacy and numeracy, we will be focusing on individual targets. Every day we will engage in reading, phonics, writing and communication. Throughout the term we will be looking at all areas of maths: number- we will be counting with items, grouping and sorting, Measure- we will become familiar with key concepts, geometry – we will be looking at shapes and patterns. The topic is history based and we are learning about – the lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements. In science, we focus on experiencing floating and sinking, we will learn about light and dark and experience/ explore a selection of light sources in a darkened environment. In PE, we will experience and explore a range of basic body actions and single movements. We will learn to link two actions to make a short sequence of movements. In PSHE, we are learning about people around us this term. We will learn to recognise people who are important to us and how we interact with them.
For more info please follow the link to see what we are learning: Curriculum Maps. We are working in Year B this year.
Best wishes,
Camelia and Orange Class Team