Blue Class (Year 2/3)

Hello and Welcome to Blue Class

Our lovely class is made up of myself Danuta and I am the class teacher and our three wonderful TAs – Baaba, Becky and Esther.

The three topics Blue Class have this year are:

Autumn Term – Famous 5

This topic has a history focus and looks at famous people across history. These people are Neil Armstrong (space), Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole (People who help us), Guy Fawkes (Bonfire Night), Christopher Columbus (Travel) and the Queen (Important people). For each of these people, we look at specific themes and we will base our work around the theme for this person.

Spring Term – Where the wild things are

This topic has a science and geography focus to it and looks at animals and their environments. We will look at a variety of different animals and the environments they live in. We will also explore our senses within this topic.

Summer Term – The Seaside

This topic focuses on history and geography. We will look at all things to do with the seaside environment. Looking at past events, our classroom environment and what a day by the sea would be like. This topic involves role-play and sensory exploration.

Please follow the link to see what we are learning: Curriculum Maps. We are working in Year B this year.

Our class team are looking forward to helping your child to grow and develop their skills this year. Please reach out to us in the Home/School Communications book if you have any questions or if you would like more information.

Kind regards
