Welcome to Indigo Class!
Dear Parents/Carers,
In Indigo Class, our priority is to reinforce children’s communication skills through motivating activities that we incorporate into our daily routine. Through play, structured lessons and fine motor skills tasks pupils develop their communication, independence, and social interaction skills. Finally, visual support such as ‘first and then’ boards and individual timetables are used consistently to support our pupils’ understanding of our routine, and thus, their emotional regulation throughout the school day.
This Autumn Term, the topic is ‘All Greek to Me’. In Literacy, we will be working on our individual goals throughout the term that you can see on My Curriculum Goals Sheet. Every day we will be focusing on Reading, including phonics, Writing and communication as well as working on our individual tasks at our workstations. We will also be looking at lots of stories about Aesop’s fables, ancient Greece and mythology throughout the term. We will be enjoying our reading corner in the classroom too, sharing books with each other and the adults in our classroom.
Throughout the term, we will be looking at all the areas of Maths, as well as working on our individual goals that you can see on the Curriculum Goals sheet. In Geometry, we will be looking at patterns and shapes and making repeating patterns. In Science, we will be focusing on forces and we will explore materials that float and or sink and in History we will explore ancient, modern Greece, ancient Greek stories and beliefs, ancient Greek theatre as well as Greek food and Olympic Games. In RE, this term we are learning about Ganesh and the importance to Hindus. In Computing, we will develop keyboard skills by finding the correct keys to enter text and delete mistakes. In Art lessons, we are focusing on learning how to use tools and materials purposefully. We will be experimenting making marks and patterns using different materials. We will create Greek temples, vases, and plates.
Many Thanks!
Aspasia Koulocheri & Indigo Class Team
Please follow the links below to see what we are learning:
Curriculum Maps. We are working in Year B this year.
Topic Sheet – All Greek To Me 2022