Welcome to Rainbow Class!
In Rainbow class, our priority is to reinforce children’s communication skills through motivating activities that we incorporate into our daily routine. Through play, structured lessons and fine motor skills tasks pupils develop their communication, independence, and social interaction skills. Messy play activities and sensory diets are adjusted to support pupils’ individual needs as well. In Rainbow Class, the children are sensory and need to be engaged and regulated emotionally- this is very important. PECS books are used to exchange symbols to request something they would like. Our activities are sensory-based to meet the needs of the children and keep them engaged. Finally, visual support such as ‘first and then’ boards and individual timetables are used consistently to support our pupils’ understanding of our routine, and thus, their emotional regulation throughout the school day.
Literacy and Communication:
For literacy, we consider our current and ongoing targets (found on EHCPs and IEPs) when doing activities. Intensive interaction, reading, phonics, writing and communication are all part of our learning day at Haymerle. This term our topic is Ancient Greece so we will be reading Aesop’s Fables and working based on these stories. Books are also available in our book corner for the children to access throughout the day.
We incorporate our topic of Ancient Greece throughout our learning as much as we can. We are using the characters from Aesop’s Fables (Lion, mouse, elephant, tortoise, hare etc.) to help the children count and group. Additionally, the story of the Lion and The Mouse also allows for children to consider differences such as size (big and small). Throughout the day the children are exposed to various maths learning opportunities that can be completed through play or at individual work stations.
Knowledge and Understanding:
History/Geography – looking at Ancient Greece still, we are exploring different foods, clothes, way of living. E.g. children are exposed to different flavours and textures of food (feta, olives, and tomatoes) and will add preferred food to make a Greek Salad.
Science – Explore floating and sinking alongside story of Archimedes in the bath displacing the water. Children will have a sensory water tray that they can explore which objects float or sink and manipulation of water such as pouring.
Computing – Children participate in interactive activities on the whiteboard that are based on current learning such as phonics and counting e.g.
RE – We will be reading stories about Ganesh and why he was worshipped as well as stories about Hinduism.
Physical Education and PSHE:
PE – We are learning about exploration through dance. Children will have opportunities to acquire a wider range of actions and whole body movements. They begin to develop and select actions and movements for a purpose.
PSHE – All year round we work on social awareness and staying safe at Haymerle. Children listen to stories and songs that teach them about being safe at school, outside of school, on the roads and making healthier choices.
Creative Development:
Art – We are continuing to consider Ancient Greece during our learning. Art includes a lot of sensory activities which is great for our children; we will be using clay to make our own Greek Vases and wreathes using cutting and sticking techniques and colour mixing.
Music – Children will use musical instruments in a controlled environment. They will be able to hear different tunes, pitches and rhythms.
Please follow the links below to see what we are learning: Curriculum Maps We are working in Year B this year.
To help us out you can…
- Bring spare clothes regularly (we can wash them!)
- Bring PE kits for Friday mornings
- Using our current learning themes to support your children at home; websites, videos, art activities are all available online if you search Ancient Greece for children.
We will have a great year!
Rainbow Class Team